Saturday, August 13, 2011


Author: Lauren Oliver
Genre: YA Fiction/ Dystopian

Imagine living a world where any sort of emotion is illegal.  That's how Magdalena "Lena" Haloway lives in a dystopian Portland, Maine, surrounded by an electrified fence.  Everyone fears contracting amor deliria nervosa, fears being forced to feel pain, jealousy, and confusion.  It's been sixty-four years since love was officially declared a disease, and forty-three since scientists perfected the cure.  Now everyone is cured on their eighteenth birthday- like it, or not.  Seventeen year old Lena can't wait to be cured, to be to be assigned a husband and a college, to be safe and happy forever.  That is until a couple months before her eighteenth birthday when she falls in love...

I really liked this book!  The story kept moving pretty well.  I was afraid it was gonna be another teenie-bopper romance novel ("I love you" "I love you more" "No I love you more" etc..),  but this one didn't do that the whole book.  It focuses more on government conspiracy than only on love.  However, it doesn't completely take out romantic moments, it just doesn't make them the sole purpose of the book. 

Most guys probably would not like this book, but I may be wrong.

Recommended for fans of Uglies (Scott Westerfeld), and 1984 (George Orwell).

Rating: 5/5

WARNING: Some brief strong language, so if that offends anyone, you have been warned.  This book's target audience is the older teen group.